Mar 31, 2022
Dadchat ends at 18:39!
It is the official position of the What a Hell of a Way to Die podcast that Madison Cawthorn is nowhere near cool enough to get invited to cocaine orgies. But he claims to have been, and this has touched off a lot of stupid discussion in the US. Nate and Francis discuss it, and Cawthorn...
Mar 24, 2022
This week, Francis speaks with Army Times reporter Davis Winkie (@Davis_Winkie) about a number of stories he’s been working on: military vaccination news, a story about the Army ignoring domestic violence, how the military funded militias in Ukraine as early as 2014, and plans for a new rotational training center...
Mar 17, 2022
This week, Francis speaks with Military dot com reporter Steve Beynon (@StevenBeynon) about the misery of National Guard deployments to the Texas/Mexico border, a push among Guard soldiers to unionize, and much more.
For this week’s bonus, Francis made Shocks read a listicle of 'Top Boston Movies' and they...
Mar 10, 2022
DadChat/CovidChat ends at 15:57!
This week, Nate and Francis discuss the Russian invasion of Ukraine and why it’s sometimes better to not feel obligated to have a take. We didn’t think the invasion was going to happen, and we think it’s a human catastrophe that it did. However, when weighing in, it’s often...
Mar 5, 2022
(Sorry for the delayed episodes--Nate is out with covid and Francis is out of town)
This week, Nate and Milo discuss the peculiarly British phenomenon of calling for the Army to be deployed domestically--whether it's to quell a social conflict or fix a logistics issue. They love to call for the Army to be sent in....