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What a Hell of a Way to Dad

Aug 26, 2021

This week, Nate speaks with Afghan-American community organizer Arash Azizzada (@87films) about his group Afghans for a Better Tomorrow (@afghanstomorrow, @afghansforabettertomorrow on IG), the work they’re doing to advocate for safe passage for Afghans, ways in which the US government could make it easier for people...

Aug 19, 2021

We brought on Joe Kassabian of the Lions Led by Donkeys podcast to discuss the Taliban victory in Afghanistan, and we try to push back against the politicians’ line that the Afghan military didn’t want to fight--and ask call for everyone who can assist Afghan refugees (even if all you can do is humiliate your...

Aug 12, 2021

This week, Francis and Nate speak with reporter and author Spencer Ackerman about his new book REIGN OF TERROR, a comprehensive history of the War on Terror. Particularly, we home in on the concept of how the culture war created post-9/11 requires veterans to never question the war itself if they want to retain any...

Aug 5, 2021

If you don’t like DadChat then skip this episode!

This week, it’s a DadChat with Nate and Francis. We discuss gardening, Francis’ daughter starting her own podcast on her tablet, why libertarianism appealed to middle class white kids in the Midwest in the 2000s, our mutual fixation on Redwall books as kids, the...