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What a Hell of a Way to Dad

Jan 28, 2021

It is the opinion of this show that the whole Tom Cotton Ranger thing is not a big deal or worth caring about. However, for the benefit of the doubt, Nate explains this in the episode with Milo Edwards (@Milo_Edwards), in which they also cover the types of British veteran politicians and why they’re weird and...

Jan 21, 2021

Let us state for the record that we hate Trump and we are happy he’s gone. But we also feel it’s important to recount some the highlights/lowlights of his tenure, how absurd it’s all been, how much older and more exhausted we feel after 4 years, and so much more. Because here is a president who hates sharks,...

Jan 14, 2021

Well, we’re a bit late to the party, as we were recording our episode last Wednesday prior to The Event. But you can rest assured that we were not surprised to discover that the mob on Capitol Hill included lots of veterans and active duty military. In this episode, we talk about what 20 years of war have done to the...

Jan 7, 2021

This week, we discuss the election results in Georgia, have a long aside about what America did in Central America in the 1980s, and genuinely predict that the Dems’ worst nightmare has come to pass: now they have to govern!

We also had a bonus DadChat/New England Chat this week with Shocks and Joe Kassabian, and you...