Oct 30, 2017
Not a subscriber? You're missing out on bonus content! Five bucks a month gets you access to more content. Jen Snyder about staying home while her boyfriend (Piss Pig Granddad) went off to join the YPG - www.patreon.com/posts/rojava-strong-pt-15005765 Francis and Nate get inebriated and answer your questions, both from...
Oct 25, 2017
Not a subscriber? You're missing out on bonus content! Five bucks a month gets you access to more content. Jen Snyder about staying home while her boyfriend (Piss Pig Granddad) went off to join the YPG - https://www.patreon.com/posts/rojava-strong-pt-15005765 Francis and Nate discuss the Veteran Lorax, the one who...
Oct 23, 2017
For access to the full episode, go to the Patreon page and pledge $5 a month. Support the troops! - https://www.patreon.com/posts/15005765 Francis talks with Jen Snyder, the girlfriend of Brace Belden, about the run up to Brace's deployment to Syria with the YPG, the organizing she did while he was away and continues to...
Oct 18, 2017
Francis and Nate are joined by Derek Davison to discuss the Iran deal, what it is, and why it pisses everyone off. Also, if you'd like to support Francis and his quest to play twelve straight hours of video games and call it a charity, you can do so here - https://extra-life.org/participant/armystrang Follow Derek...
Oct 11, 2017
Not a subscriber? You're missing out on bonus content! Sign up for the patreon today! - www.patreon.com/hellofawaytodie Francis and Nate talk about what they would have done when rounds started to fly in Las Vegas (Spoiler, they'd run like hell)and the curious psychology of every dude who's ever handled their dad's...