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What a Hell of a Way to Dad

Nov 11, 2021

We get to the point at 17:51!

This week, we discuss adventures in soundproofing, how to de-Ba’ath-ify yourself from the effects of the military making you react emotionally, Veterans’ Day, the 5-year anniversary of this podcast, and much more. However, we also focus specifically on a story about a metallurgist in Tacoma who faked the test results of decades’ worth of Navy metal castings for submarines because she thought the test standards were ‘stupid.’ It’s the most relatable thing we’ve ever heard--read the story here:


For week’s bonus, Francis speaks with Task and Purpose reporter Hayley Britzky (@halbritz) about brigades in the 82nd Airborne trying out this new thing called 'exercise science' and 'nutrition science' and 'perhaps not destroying soldiers' bodies with terrible exercise routines that have been out of date for 40 years.' Get it on Patreon here:


*SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT* We now have a storefront to sell the patches, buttons, and magnets that we also give out as flair for our $10 tier. Buy some sweet gear here:

We have a YouTube channel now -- subscribe here and get sweet videos from us in which we yell in our cars like true veterans:

You can follow the show on Twitter here: @HellOfAWay

Follow Nate here: @inthesedeserts

Follow Francis here: @ArmyStrang