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What a Hell of a Way to Dad

Dec 17, 2018

In this special promo segment, you can hear a preview of this month's installment of Is It Fascist?, in which Nate and Francis review the 1984 cult classic 'The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension'. They analyze its inscrutable plot, strangely fleshy special effects, standout cast, and general insane weirdness.

We asked for a Christmas movie to review and the fans asked for this one. It's not a Christmas movie at all, but we did it regardless.

Remember: if you've got a film you'd like us to review, please let us know in the comments / in the DMs / on Twitter.

You can hear the whole thing by signing up to the Patreon here:

*Veterans t-shirt notice* We have a new shirt available on our store. Did you know that VA disability is UBI for warriors? Well, you do now:…d=101810&sid=front

You can follow the show on Twitter here: @HellOfAWay 
Follow Nate here: @inthesedeserts
Follow Francis here: @ArmyStrang